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Wiccan & Pagan
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Welcome to the wicca pages list menu. This webpage has been designed to help you seek out further information and artefacts relating to Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism. This area of life is varied and multifarious so please, show respect if anyone else's chosen 'path' does not agree with yours. This website may also help if you are looking for a Pagan & Wicca shop in the UK - you may either want to buy OR sell items. Please note this website is not limited to the UK. If you are looking for chalices, spells, wands, tarot, or books there will be plenty here to point you in the right direction. Perhaps you are more involved with the fashion and look of the  wiccan - that is all right - you don't need to be a practicing spell caster to live the wiccan way. So you may like to be pointed towards the jewellery and the clothes available, perhaps you prefer the out and out goth look or perhaps you are a little more dreamy and like the softer hippy look is the right way for your fashion sense. You will be enchanted by the choices. Are you looking for cauldrons, candles, incense, jewelry, crystals or magickal herbs, perhaps more spiritual devotional Items. Whatever way you choose to be wiccan, it all links together. Maybe you want to learn wicca for free. Many people who believe it should be done that way are offering to teach for free. Some offer exams and certificates - whichever path you wish to take is your choice, in the end your path will be right. This is the beauty of this way of life, there is not much to restrict your flow through life. Are you currently learning the wiccan way and finding it hard to get it right - don't worry it will click. Right now, there are others struggling to get it right, some are wearing a button of blue linked to their sadness, but they persevere and find that in life which links right to the core of truth. Blessed be!  .